Cinema Slayers Podcast

Reviewing Films and TV better than anyone else.

"Monday" Review - Rebel Without a Crew: The Series

As reviewers, we occasionally get the opportunity to experience amazing independent projects and films that remind us why we love the art of making films. I can definitely say one of the most entertaining works of art to come out of Rebel Without a Crew: The Series is the action/comedy film "Monday", directed and written by Alejandro Montoya Marin. This film centers around one horrible day in the life of Jim, who not only finds himself being fired and dumped, but also gets unknowingly caught up in the middle of a cartel war. Along the way, Jim learns more of who he is as a man, and even sees a side of himself he never expected.

This story is incredibly creative, infused with a blend of both light-hearted humor and an action-packed adventure. Not only will you appreciate the dynamic between Jim (Jamie H. Jung) and his best friend Paul (Kenneth McGlothin), you will be impressed with the female powerhouses who portray Sam (Sofia Embid), the secondary protagonist helping Jim out of some tricky situations, and the hit woman (Anna Schatte), out to complete her mission at any cost. You can see the intricate care Marin gives to the characters, which is only magnified by the way the actors command the audience’s attention with every move. Every camera shot encapsulates the tone of the particular moment, and gives it a fresh and modern vibe.

The entirety of this movie will make your totally forget that it was made on so many restraints. If this is what Marin can do in two weeks’ time, I can only imagine what he will be capable of in any future endeavors. "Monday" is a visual treat, with the perfect soundtrack to amp up any movie-going experience. You will be delighted at the work of Marin, and will be itching for a sequel.