Cinema Slayers Podcast

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"Brittany Runs a Marathon"...Close to Home

The only real complaint I have about "Brittany Runs a Marathon" is the fact that more people were not lined up to see it. This film has all the makings of greatness- solid cast, humor that hits the mark, heartfelt story line, and best of all is how extremely relatable it is.

This film, starring Jillian Bell as Brittany, is inspired by the true events in the life of Brittany O’Neill, who Director Paul Downs Colaizzo is real-life friends with. While it is not an exact replica of O’Neill’s journey, much of the story is influenced by her lifestyle change that Colaizzo saw first-hand through his friend. You can tell this story is a personal one, based on the genuine character development and consideration given to the key players.

Throughout the movie, the ups and downs that Brittany goes through to become healthier (and make better decisions in general) feels all too real to many twenty and thirty-somethings who struggle with this balancing act. Seeing her victories as well as her failures make this more compelling and quite frankly, cause you to root for Brittany even more. It’s almost as if you are on this journey with her, and a success for her is ultimately a success for you, too.

This film somehow masters the fine art of switching up cliché situations while also adding a few twists. This is a pleasant surprise, because in a movie that you know is set out to have the “happy” ending, they do not tie everything up in a neat bow to convince you that Brittany’s whole life is suddenly perfect now that she has changed some habits. Friendships are lost, drunken outbursts cause painful introspection, and a huge setback makes her question everything she has been working for. However, through all these winding roads, the story never loses you or veers off more than it needs to to drive home its point.

Not only is this film witty and captivating, it is incredibly inspiring. It is definitely a must-see, especially for those who need a little motivation to take that first step in their own journey in some way. At its heart it is about taking charge of your life one day at a time, and seeing the changes of that long-term goal come to fruition. Who doesn’t need more of that in their life?